Illinois Global Institute

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LLS Postdoctoral Colloquium: Dr. Camila Gavin-Bravo, "'It Was the Freest Country in the Hemisphere': Transnational Feminisms and the Chile Solidarity Movement"

Event Type
Department of Latina/Latino Studies
422 Levis Faculty Center
Oct 11, 2023   4:00 pm  
Dr. Camila Gavin, Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Latina/ Latino Studies
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

This colloquium talk explores how opposition to the Pinochet regime was rooted in support for the leftist presidency of Salvador Allende and the robust and creative workers' movement that supported him. Dr. Gavin-Bravo argues that U.S.-based Latina radical politics were shaped by the Allende era, especially as activists debated “socialism Chilean style,” or socialism through the ballot box, and considered the nature of U.S. imperialism, in particular how it affects women. 

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