Illinois Global Institute

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Poster for the Madan Sara film

Madan Sara Film Screening and Discussion with Director Etant Dupain

Event Type
Film Screening
ACES Office of International Programs; CLACS; WGGP
Lucy Ellis Lounge @ FLB
Oct 4, 2023   12:00 - 1:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

The women known as Madan Sara in Haiti work tirelessly to buy, distribute, and sell food and other essentials in markets throughout the country. Despite the obstacles faced by the women working in a sector that lacks investment, infrastructure and state assistance, the Madan Sara continue to be one of the most critical parts of the Haitian economy and identity. 

The Madan Sara documentary tells the stories of these indefatigable women who work at the margins to make Haiti’s economy run. Despite facing intense hardship and social stigma, the hard work of the Madan Sara puts their children through school, houses their families, and helps to ensure a better life for generations to come. 

Participants are welcome to bring lunch, and light refreshments will be served.

This event is co-sponsored by ACES Office of International Programs, the Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CLACS), and Women & Gender in Global Perspectives (WGGP).

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