Illinois Global Institute

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Paul Staniland, “Major Power Competition and Internal Politics in Modern Asia"

Event Type
Political Science Department and CGS
David Kinley Hall, Room 404
Aug 26, 2022   12:00 pm  
Avital Livny
Originating Calendar
Center for Global Studies: Events

Speaker: Prof. Paul Staniland ( from the University of Chicago

Title: “Major Power Competition and Internal Politics in Modern Asia”

Date/Time: Friday, 26 August, noon

Location: David Kinley Hall, Room 404

Prof. Staniland is an expert on South and Southeast Asia – he is a nonresident scholar in the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace – and most of his work focuses on conflict between state and non-state actors. He is the author of two award winning books – Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse (2014) and Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation (2021), both published with Cornell University Press. 

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