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Teaching Special Seminar: Ram Kesavan, "My Teaching Experience & Scholarship"

Event Type
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
wifi event
Jan 29, 2025   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series


This talk provides some background of my career in the technology industry, and how it has led me eventually to academia. It covers my experience---teaching in the classroom vs “teaching” my colleagues---and how it informs my approach. It touches on my research interests, and how I plan to pursue them in the academic environment. 

Over his 25-year technology career, Ram Kesavan has worked in the systems area---primarily in storage, file systems, distributed systems, and distributed databases. He most recently worked in the database organization at Google Cloud, first as the Uber-TL of the Firestore team, and then as an individual contributor in the Spanner team working on Spanner Graph and ANN search indexing. Prior to Google he worked mostly in the WAFL file system team at NetApp, initially as a developer and then eventually as a Technical Director. Over the past 8 years, he has published 13 peer-reviewed papers that describe some of his technical work while at Google Cloud and NetApp. He has delivered guest lectures at various universities in the US, and formulated and taught a module on storage systems a few times at IIT Madras and IIT Delhi. He holds 22 patents, a PhD from The Ohio State University, and a BTech from IIT Madras.

Faculty Host: Abdu Alawini

Meeting ID: 843 5516 7251; Password: csillinois

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