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AE 590 Seminar: Novel Composite Structures Design Using Topology Optimization

Event Type
Department of Aerospace Engineering
CIF 2035
Nov 7, 2022   4:00 - 5:00 pm  
Dr. James Joo, Structures Technology Branch Tech Advisor at the Air Force Research Laboratory
Courtney McLearin
Originating Calendar
Aerospace Engineering Seminars


Aircraft structural material, design, and manufacturing technologies have advanced significantly over the last several decades to satisfy the structural requirements of modern aircraft. Metals have been the most common materials for aircraft construction, but the proportion of composite material used in aircraft structures has constantly risen. Stiff and strong material requirements have always been the priority, but lightweight also becomes important as aircraft performance is of great interest. Composite materials satisfy the above three requirements well, becoming preferable over metals. However, composite fabrication is costly because the process largely depends on the hand layup process. We are interested in merging disruptive technology to remove hand layup processes such as composite AM printing and integrating novel structure design using topology optimization that creates non-conventional structure design. Topology optimization provides the stiffest and lightest structure with a given design space and materials. The innovative composite structure is achieved from unconventional fiber path design using the anisotropic material property of composite for the most efficient layout that is hard to achieve with metal. In this seminar, I will show some examples of composite structure design using TO and compare the benefits.


About the speaker:
Dr. Joo is Structures Technology Branch Tech Advisor at the Air Force Research Laboratory.  Dr. Joo earned M.S. & Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1997 & 2001. He has been the author or co-author of over 80 scholarly publications, including journal articles, technical papers, book chapters, and US patents. He served as an Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (2017-2019) and as AIAA and ASME adaptive structure technical committee member. In 2019, Dr. Joo was the recipient of the SASE Engineer/Scientist of the Year, AF Civilian Achievement Award (2014), AFRL Innovation Award (2014), and Dr. Richard B. Rivir Scientific and Technical Achievement Award (2013).  His research interest is in compliant structure systems, topology optimization, multifunctional structures, and morphing structures.


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