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Isadora Lira's talk. Image contains information about the talk in the format of a tweet. Brazilian flag can be seen in the background.

Isadora Lira | Mapping social markers of difference on Lula's and Bolsonaro's network of influence on Twitter

Event Type
Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Coble Hall 306
Aug 28, 2023   3:00 pm  
Isadora Lira &
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Isadora Lira: Ph.D. candidate in the Sociology department at the Federal University of ParaĆ­ba (UFPB). 

Isadora Lira is a Brazilian researcher with a Master's in communication. She is currently a visiting researcher at the University of Illinois through the Internationalization Program of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES-Print) to map social markers of difference in the network of influence in Brazilian political groups on Twitter, from feminist, critical technology and decolonial studies perspectives. This work is part of the doctorate in Sociology progress in Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), which investigates how political sociabilities are constructed on and by digital platforms, focused on Twitter. Since her master's degree, Lira has been engaged in research on critical perspectives on technology, and now focusing on the inference of algorithmic mediations in political communication. She currently participates in the Online Conflict Observatory, a network formed by researchers in several states of Brazil, based at the Federal University of ABC Paulista (UFABC) and the Study Group on American Feminist Criticism (GRIFES / UFPB).

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