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ANS Braidwood Generating Station Tour

Event Type
Social/Informal Event
American Nuclear Society-UIUC Chapter
Braidwood Generating Station
Mar 8, 2025   6:30 am - 2:00 pm  
Harrison Brosius
Originating Calendar
NPRE Events

 Station Tour 
Saturday, Mar. 8th
6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
6 Professional Points

We are super excited to announce that we will be touring Braidwood Generating Station on Saturday, Mar. 8th. This is a great opportunity to see how a real nuclear power plant works. Braidwood operates PWRs, not the BWRs that we have most recently toured, so if you've gone on a tour of a different plant with us before, this is likely a good opportunity to see a different kind of reactor. If you're interested, you must fill out this form by Feb. 22nd to ensure they have a proper head count. You must be a US citizen with a valid federal ID (a normal driver's license does not count unless it is a REAL ID). Braidwood is a secure facility, so make sure that you are behaving professionally while there

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