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Plant Science Seminar Series: Dr. Yiping Qi, UMD. "Developing Genome Engineering Tools to Advance Crop Improvement"

Event Type
Plant Biology
149 National Soybean Research Center, Pizza to follow in Room 167
Apr 30, 2025   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Dr. Yiping Qi
Ellen Lindsey
Originating Calendar
Plant Biology - Events

Abstract: CRISPR-Cas9, its derived base editors and CRISPR activation systems have greatly aided genome engineering in plants. However, these systems are mostly developed for editing the genomes. Here, I will describe a CRISPR-Act3.0 system for potent gene transcriptional activation in plants. This system allows for multiplexed gene activation for gain-of-function outcomes. Furthermore, a CRISPR-Combo system was developed for simultaneous genome editing (targeted mutagenesis or base editing) and gene activation in plants. We showcase the powerful applications of CRISPR-Combo for boosting plant genome editing. First, CRISPR-Combo is used to shorten the plant life cycle and reduce the efforts in screening transgene-free genome-edited plants by activation of a florigen gene in Arabidopsis. Next, we demonstrate accelerated regeneration and propagation of genome-edited plants by activation of morphogenic genes in poplar and other dicot plants. Furthermore, we apply CRISPR-Combo to achieve rice regeneration without exogenous plant hormones, which is established as a new method to predominately enrich heritable targeted mutations. Finally, I will show most recent application of CRISPR-Combo for enhancing plant tissue culture and regeneration in four dicot crops. In conclusion, CRISPR-Combo is a versatile genome engineering tool with promising applications in crop breeding.

For more information or to request a meeting with Professor Qi contact: Liqing Chen, lqchen77@illinois.edu

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