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SE 290 - Mari Kay Scott

Event Type
The Department of Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
1310 DCL
Mar 6, 2025   11:00 am  
Julie Murphy
Originating Calendar
ISE Seminar Calendar

Mari Kay was born in Chicago, grew up in the suburbs and graduated from the University of Illinois in December 1983 with a BS in Industrial and Enterprise Systems.  She began her 24 year career with General Motors in Michigan at the Pontiac Truck Assembly plant as a college graduate in training where she met her life partner.  Her first assignment was in the maintenance department as a skilled trades supervisor responsible for keeping the trim assemble department running.  

Her 17 year career in 3 different truck assembly plants and various positions led to an executive position as plant engineer and a subsequent move to central office.  17 years in central office held many challenges including several global positions.  Her last position of global environmental compliance and sustainability for General Motors was a great way to see the world and left a lasting impact on her way of life.

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