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Scientific image of extracellular vesicles

Extracellular Vesicles in the Clinic: Establishing New Partnerships Between Illinois and Mayo Clinic

Event Type
Beckman Institute, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute, Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance and Cancer Center at Illinois
1005 Beckman Institute
Apr 18, 2025   8:00 am - 1:00 pm  
Marni Boppart
Originating Calendar
Beckman and Campus Calendars

Extracellular vesicles represent an important mechanism for intercellular communication, yet our understanding of the biosynthesis, detection, and characterization of EVs continues to emerge.

The mission of the Beckman Institute EVIT Working Group is to bring together our university community focused on the investigation of EVs in the context of both health and disease. Our vision is to introduce innovation into the traditional workflow of isolating and characterizing EVs, which requires synergistic efforts from faculty in multiple disciplines. 

This workshop will provide the opportunity to learn about the use of EVs as markers of disease progression from Mayo Clinic faculty, as well as become acquainted with newly emerging technologies to capture and detect EVs by faculty at Illinois. The poster session will provide an informal venue for exploring new collaborations. All faculty, staff, postdoctoral students, graduate students, and interested members of the public are welcome to join us for this half day workshop. 

See the full agenda and register by April 9.

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