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AVAILABLE ONLINE: Contaminants of Emerging Concern (e.g., PFAS) in Biosolids and Wastewater

Event Type
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
only available online
Mar 19, 2020   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Ned Beecher - Special Projects Manager, North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA)
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Elizabeth Meschewski
Originating Calendar
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Events

Abstract: Chemicals are everywhere; they make up life and matter. And synthetic ones are ubiquitous in modern society. Increasingly, with the help of powerful analytical chemistry, we are finding synthetic chemicals almost everywhere we look. And, in most cases, there aren’t enough data to know if it matters. These are the "chemicals of emerging concern" (CECs). They are not necessarily new – they have been around – but they are newly measured, raising emerging concerns. Many CECs are found in our daily living environments, even in our bodies (e.g. pharmaceuticals). And they are in business, industry, and commerce. They enter our waste streams in varying amounts. Wastewater, and biosolids derived from wastewater, are mirrors of the chemistry of our daily lives.  

This webinar will provide an overview of CECs in wastewater and biosolids: what have been measured and what implications have been determined. Then it will focus on the fate and implications of CECs in biosolids, many of which are recycled to soils as fertilizers and soil amendments. What is the fate of CECs in such scenarios? Is this recycling sustainable? 

After an overview of biosolids management in the U. S. and beyond and the rationale and benefits of recycling biosolids to soils, this webinar will cite past and current research and outline research needs as it.  

  • reviews the fate of several representative CECs in wastewater and biosolids, 
  • summarizes risk assessment and risk management strategies used to reduce potential concerns, and
  • discusses PFAS as a family of CECs that is currently of high interest.

Biosolids and wastewater are “wastes” from modern society that must be managed. Recycling is necessary if we are to achieve sustainable communities. CECs – especially PFAS – are a current challenge.

Biography: From 1998 to 2019, Ned Beecher was Executive Director of NEBRA, tracking research, legislation, and regulations, and providing information to members and the public. He is now Special Projects Manager and has focused much of his work since January, 2017, on PFAS. Other projects include compilation and review of biosolids management and quality data. NEBRA advances best practices and sustainability in biosolids recycling. Ned has led projects and authored articles, papers, and book chapters on biosolids management in the Northeast, eastern Canada, and around North America. He received the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Biosolids Management Award in 2015 and the Elizabeth Cutone Executive Leadership Award in 2020. He has an MS in Resource Management from Antioch University and a BA in Geology from Amherst College. He has two adult children and lives and gardens (using biosolids) with his wife, Chris Clyne, MS, APRN (ret.), in Tamworth, NH.

Note biographique: De 1998 à 2019, Ned Beecher a été directeur exécutif de NEBRA, ou il suit la recherche, des lois, et des règlements et fournit des informations aux membres et au public. Maintenant, il est <<Special Projects Manager>> pour PFAS etc. NEBRA avance les meilleures pratiques et la durabilité de recyclage des biosolides.  Ned a dirigé des projets et a écrit des articles, des documents, et des chapitres de livres sur la valorisation des biosolides dans le Nord-Est des États Unis, l’est de Canada, et autour de l'Amérique du Nord. Il a réçu le prix de New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) pour la gestion des biosolides en 2015 et le prix pour “Executive Leadership” en 2020.  Il a une MSc en gestion des ressources de Antioch University et un baccalauréat en géologie de Amherst College.  Il a deux enfants adultes et vit et fait de jardin (avec biosolides) avec sa femme, Chris Clyne, MS, APRN (ret.), à Tamworth, NH.

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