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INHS Seminar - Restoring fire-resilient ecosystems

Event Type
Illinois Natural History Survey Seminar Committee
wifi event
Feb 28, 2023   4:00 pm  
Dr. Erin Questad, Professor, Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University
Suneeti Jog
Originating Calendar
INHS Events

This seminar will be held vrtually on Zoom here | Meeting ID: 837 1954 6328 | Password: 753765

Erin Questad is a Professor of Biology at Cal Poly Pomona University in Pomona, CA. Prior to working at Cal Poly Pomona, she was a Research Ecologist for the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry in Hilo, HI, part of the USDA Forest Service. Her current areas of research include vegetation mapping, restoration and plant community ecology, and the re-introduction of endangered plant species; with field sites in Southern California and Hawaii. Several current projects focus on using remote sensing data to better understand plant communities and plan restoration and conservation programs, with scientific collaborators from the USDA Forest Service, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, and several non-profit conservation organizations. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Penn State University in 1997 and a doctoral degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Kansas in 2008.



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