The Grainger College of Engineering Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Program Research Expo showcases the various science and engineering projects our scholars and their mentors have been working on this year. ISUR is a two-semester, structured, mentored research experience for undergraduate students in science and engineering. Through the learning-by-apprenticeship model, students learn about the research process, develop their research and technical communication skills, and gain experience needed for graduate school acceptance or research in industry.
Under the ISUR umbrella are the following programs: Clare Boothe Luce Research Program, DaRin Butz Foundation Research Program, Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Research Program (SRC URP), Accelerated Learning and Engineering Research Training (ALERT) Program in Electronic and Cyber Security, and the IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute Undergraduate Research Experience (IIDAI URE).
This year, we also have presentations from students in other
undergraduate research programs in Grainger Engineering: Promoting
Undergraduate Research in Engineering (PURE) and CS Student
Ambassadors/Research Scholars (CS STARS).
This event is part of 2023 Undergraduate Research Week. View the full program of events here.