The UCNτ experiment utilizes ultracold neutrons (UCNs) and field-trapping techniques to measure the neutron lifetime with high precision. Analyzing the lifetime dataset in 2022, we identified a systematic effect: the measured neutron lifetime varied across different horizontal segments of the detector, indicating phase space evolution influences. To address this, a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation of UCN dynamics within the magneto-gravitational trap is essential for uncovering the underlying causes of these systematic variations.
In this talk, we will discuss our investigations into multiple systematic effects impacting the UCNτ experiment. Specifically, we examine the roles of aluminum absorption probabilities, magnetic field dips caused by defects on magnets, detector geometries, and spatial variations in detector response. By modeling the coupling between these factors, we aim to improve our understanding of potential biases and refine the systematic corrections applied to the neutron lifetime measurement. These efforts will help reduce uncertainties and provide insight into future changes to the experiment that will maximally suppress the effect of phase space evolution.
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