Join us for the conference "CLACS Legacy and the REAL Development Challenges for Latin American Regional Economics."
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) turned 60 years being a lighthouse and promoting innovative research, specialist teaching, and public awareness of the Latin American and Caribbean region: its histories, challenges, and complex connections to the United States and other parts of the world. Under the unique inspiration and legacy of Prof. Werner Baer and with the enthusiastic, professional, selfless, and profound work of Prof. Geoffrey Hewings, CLACS and REAL Lab together with the Lemann Institute and various academic units of the UIUC collaborated in the training of several generations of scholars with a deep and lasting impact on the region. Nowadays, the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Science Association (LARCSA) provides an incipient space for the socioeconomic research on the local and regional challenges of the developing countries of LATAM and the Caribbean. This seminar proposes enhancing this academic legacy by discussing the actual and forthcoming REAL issues, including the social, income distribution, environmental, gender and macroeconomic challenges affecting regions at the LATAM and Caribbean countries.