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Solange Rocha

Lemann Lecture Series | Horrara Moreira | "Take My Face Out of Your Sight” - Strategies To Ban Facial Recognition in Brazil

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The Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies and Kainen Bell
wifi event
Apr 30, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Horrara Moreira is an educator, writer, lawyer, and researcher who is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Regulatory Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Previously, she served as the consultant and coordinator for the Tire Meu Rosto da Sua Mira Campaign, advocating for the ban of facial recognition for public security in Brazil.Currently, she works as a researcher at the Data Privacy Brazil and Executive Assistant at Advocacy Hub. She also is a member of the Municipal Council for Data Protection of Rio de Janeiro and the Aqualtune Lab Collective. Association and co-producer of the podcast Dadocracia, researcher of the Diversity Program of the Laboratory of the Center for the Analysis of Freedom and Authoritarianism. Horrara graduated in Law from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). She is trained in Human-Centered Design from Acumen Academy and Ideo.org (2020), in Collaborative Practices from the Brazilian Institute of Collaborative Practices (2020), and in Business Negotiation from CMI Interser (2019). Social articulation assistant at the Justice Forum (2022). Vice-President of Diversity and Inclusion of the Committee of Young Mediators (CBMA) (2021). Monitor of legal practice in labor-related and human rights mediation (2020-2022), member of the Center of Popular Legal Advice Service Amarildo de Souza – Unirio (2016-2017), and assistant of the study group on political struggles Angela Davis – Unirio (2017). Founding member of the Elas existem – Incarcerated women Association (2017).
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It is scientifically proven that facial recognition technologies discriminate against people based on their color and gender. Furthermore, their use in public security violates civil rights such as equality, privacy, and data protection. While countries in the Global North discuss the risks of implementing facial recognition in public spaces and ban the technology, in Brazil, the government invests public resources in acquiring equipment and expanding systems in all its states.

In 2022, the "Take My Face Out of Your Sight" Campaign emerged. A civil society mobilization for the banning of facial recognition technologies in public security. Over nearly two years of coordination, activists, researchers, artists, and workers come together to promote awareness actions, popular education, political pressure, and cultural demonstrations with the radical idea that it is possible to have a free future where our data is not used to pursue and incarcerate us. During this conversation, we will discuss how the advocacy strategy of the Campaign was developed and how the regulation of artificial intelligence in Brazil can legalize facial recognition as a tool approved by the state.

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