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Institute for Condensed Matter Theory Special Seminar: "Non-Hermitian edge burst: dynamics, steady states, and interactions"

Event Type
Physics - Institute for Condensed Matter Theory
ESB 3110
Jun 29, 2023   11:00 am  
Yumin Hu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Stephen Bullwinkel
Originating Calendar
Physics - Condensed Matter Seminar

Many intriguing dynamical phenomena arise in non-Hermitian systems that have no analogs in Hermitian cases. In this talk, I will first introduce a novel non-Hermitian quantum dynamical phenomenon called non-Hermitian edge burst, which means that a particle in a lossy lattice exhibits an unexpectedly large probability for the particle loss occurring at the boundary. The edge burst originates from a universal bulk-edge scaling relation of loss probability, which is a consequence of the interplay between two unique non-Hermitian properties: non-Hermitian skin effect and dissipative gap closing. This interesting dynamical phenomenon has been observed recently in photonic platforms. In the second part of this talk, I will introduce a novel dynamical-steady correspondence where the edge burst in non-Hermitian dynamics is mapped to many-body steady states in open quantum systems. Therefore, a universal bulk-edge scaling relation can also exist in steady-state edge burst. Moreover, adding dissipative interactions further enriches the content of many-body edge burst in steady states, providing a new mechanism of many-body non-Hermitian skin effect. In this sense, our results indicate that steady states contain valuable information to theoretically or experimentally investigate many-body non-Hermitian skin effect.

[1] Wen-Tan Xue, Yu-Min Hu, Fei Song, Zhong Wang Non-Hermitian Edge Burst, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120401.
[2] Yu-Min Hu, Wen-Tan Xue, Fei Song, Zhong Wang Many-body edge burst in steady states, arXiv:2306.08676.
[3] Lei Xiao, Wen-Tan Xue, Fei Song, Yu-Min Hu, Wei Yi, Zhong Wang, Peng Xue Observation of non-Hermitian edge burst in quantum dynamics, arXiv:2303.12831.

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