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Man Zhang Ting Cheng

VASP Brown Bag - Ting Cheng, "The Transition from Dao Learning to Literary Learning: The Negotiation between the Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy and Literary Composition in Yuan-Ming China" + Man Zhang, "The Proposal and Development Process of China's HRD Strategy"

Event Type
Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Coble Hall 108 (801 S. Wright St., Champaign)
Dec 5, 2022   12:00 - 1:30 pm  
Ting Cheng (Beijing Normal University) + Man Zhang (Beijing Information Science and Technology University)
Yuchuan Shen
Originating Calendar
CEAPS Events Calendar

12:00 – 12:45 pm | ”The Transition from Dao Learning to Literary Learning"
[hybrid presentation; zoom link provided after registration]

Literary hermeneutics is one of the topical issues among current Chinese literature scholars in China. This talk will introduce that literary hermeneutics can be an alternative perspective on the relationship between Confucian canons and literary composition. “Transition from Dao learning to literary learning” is an observed result from this perspective, which initially involves that Neo-Confucian scholars turned their interest in literary composition under Mongol rule. Because of the increasingly competitive civil service examinations and limited official positions, Confucian elites had to focus on prose writing, give up the paths to officialdom or devote themselves to other fields, such as poetry. This phenomenon started in the late southern Song and became obvious in Yuan-Ming China, together with the inheritance and spread of Neo-Confucianism. With the decline of state power in the middle Ming, literary learning became one significant intellectual resource for Confucian elites to challenge or revise the Cheng-Zhu orthodoxy. This also paved the way for the boom of literary composition in the late Ming.

Ting Cheng is a PhD candidate in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University. His interests include hermeneutics, ancient Chinese poetics, intellectual history and new cultural history in ancient China. His research primarily revolves around the construction of literary hermeneutics through ancient Chinese thought. 


12:45 – 1:30 pm
"The proposal and development process of China's HRD strategy"
[in person presentation only]

From the perspective of human resource development (HRD), this presentation argues that the Chinese government’s HRD strategy has transformed China, a country with a large population, from a poor and backward country to the second largest economy in the world. The main reasons for China's implementation of HRD strategy lie in the era of knowledge economy, China's large population, the inspiration of foreign experience, and the influence of the road to peaceful rise. The HRD strategy has been developed through three Central conferences on talent-related work.

Man Zhang is Associate Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management at Beijing Information Science and Technology University in China and Director of Evaluation Branch of China Human Resource Development Research Association. Her research interests include human resource development, talent evaluation, and engineering ethics.

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