This seminar will be held in room 1005 Forbes Natural History building, 1816 S Oak Street, Champaign or you may join Zoom: here Meeting ID: 853 6154 0825 | Password: 812131
Many coastal waterbird species are experiencing long-term population declines that have been linked to human activity. Probable causes of population decline in most species include habitat loss and degradation, human disturbance, and predators at breeding colonies. In addition, many coastal waterbirds are predicted to face threats in the future as a result of sea level rise and increased storm frequency. Managing breeding coastal waterbird populations therefore requires a multi-pronged approach in order to address these threats. However, prioritizing and choosing among different management actions is often hampered by the ecological complexity of coastal habitats that makes it difficult to predict outcomes, and by the lack of good demographic data on many priority coastal bird species. In this seminar, I will present recent and ongoing research conducted by Audubon Delta to assess the effectiveness of stewardship actions on Least Tern productivity, to identify factors that result in successful habitat creation for beach-nesting birds, and to document the effects of increasing tropical storm activity on Least Tern behavior and productivity, with implications for strategizing population management.