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When Silence Grows Louder: Aging and Its Impact on Hearing

Event Type
IHSI & Illinois Extension
Oct 16, 2024   12:00 pm  
Rohit M. Ananthanarayan and Vahid Delaram, PhD Candidates, Speech & Hearing Science
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What do we know about age-related hearing loss? Older adults often experience ear and hearing-related issues such as ringing in the ears and difficulty hearing daily sounds like alarms and conversations in quiet or noisy backgrounds. These issues can eventually lead to social isolation, cognitive problems, and a decline in overall quality of life. In this presentation, Rohit M. Ananthanarayan  and Vahid Delaram will discuss age-related hearing loss and what we can do about it. 

Ananthanarayan is a third year PhD candidate in Speech and Hearing Science. He has a background in audio signal processing and obtained his master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in India, developing algorithms in machine listening to solve music information retrieval tasks. His current research interests include speech perception and building computational models of human auditory perception. 

Vahid is a third-year PhD candidate in the Speech and Hearing Science department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Audiology and has worked as a clinical audiologist for two years in the Middle East and Europe. He is interested in researching high-frequency hearing, speech perception, audiology neuroscience, and hearing aids. His favorite place to study and do research is crowded libraries, where lots of people get lost in their books. 

CEU's through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois (CEII) are now available. 

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