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Community Seminar Series

Nearby Nature and Socializing: Everyday Tips to Boost Your Health and Wellbeing

Event Type
IHSI & Illinois Extension
Oct 9, 2024   12:00 pm  
Leslie Camarillo & Damien Cavanaugh, PhD Candidates, Recreation, Sport & Tourism
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Maxwell Wallace
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IHSI Events

Have you ever felt down or bored and weren’t sure how to “put yourself out of it?” Join us for an interactive session with Leslie Camarillo & Damien Cavanaugh to learn how nature and socializing can boost your health and wellbeing. We’ll focus on practical strategies for enjoying nearby nature and socializing, which will be informed by current research and practice on these topics.  

Camarillo is a PhD candidate in Recreation, Sport & Tourism. Her research interests include leisure among ethnic and racial minorities, with a particular emphasis on families and youth, culture change among immigrant families, and the effects of adaptation on recreation behavior among minority populations. I am interested in exploring Latino immigrant families and their recreation behaviors, with particular emphasis on immigrant youth and the constraints they face in recreation participation. 

Cavanaugh is a PhD candidate in Recreation, Sport & Tourism. His research interests focus on socioemotional health, specifically looking at sexuality at the nexus of leisure. Particularly looking at couples/families and how leisure engagement impacts quality of life and the constraints they face in their recreation participation. I am also interested in recreation therapy practices that enhance/assist family leisure. I have been a certified therapeutic recreation specialist for 12 years. 

CEU's through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois (CEII) are now available. 

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