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IAMSE Winter 2024 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

Event Type
Professional Development
CI MED Office of Faculty Affairs and Development
Jan 25, 2024   11:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Deb Young
Originating Calendar
Carle Illinois College of Medicine OFAD Professional Development Events

Begin Registration: IAMSE Fall 2023 Webcast Audio Seminar Series (

11-12 PM CT

 January 4, 12 PM EST - Global Health Electives: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly presented by Jenny Baenziger

January 11, 12 PM EST - Climate Change and Human Health presented by Eugene Richardson

January 18, 12 PM EST - Global Approaches to Medical School Regulation: Who Wins? presented by Ahmed Rashid

January 25, 12 PM EST - Cultures and Practices for Global Inclusion in Health Professions Education Publishing: What Can Work presented by Anna Cianciolo, Peter de Jong, & Subha Ramani

February 1, 12 PM EST - Refracting Lenses - Seeing Women of Colour in Global Health presented by Thirusha Naidu

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