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Medical Education Experience (MEdX) 2024

Event Type
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
I Hotel & Illinois Conference Center, 1900 S 1st St, Champaign, IL 61820
Jan 25, 2024   All Day
Originating Calendar
Carle Illinois College of Medicine OFAD Professional Development Events

January 25, 2024
I Hotel and Conference Center

See the full conference schedule here. 

MEdX is designed to build a community across Carle Illinois that supports individual flourishing, values people, and provides a venue for faculty, students, and staff to have a voice in improving the college. We seek to build connections for innovative and sustainable education and research initiatives.

This day-long event will focus on all things related to medical education from best practices to innovative research. The day includes a keynote speaker, teaching strategies, showcasing medical education scholarly activity, roundtable and panel sessions, poster presentations, and networking opportunities related to medical education.

Our theme is Breakthrough to Excellence: Innovation through Synergy.

We are excited to share, learn, and grow together at this year's Medical Education Experience. We look forward to seeing you on January 25, 2024!

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