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Image of Aja Y. Martinez in a green shirt and Robert O. Smith in a black shirt. Shows the black cover of their book, The Origins of Critical Race Theory

Book Launch: Dr. Aja Y. Martinez & Dr. Robert O. Smith, The Origins of Critical Race Theory: The People and Ideas That Created a Movement

Event Type
Social/Informal Event
Department of Latina/Latino Studies
Illini Union Bookstore, Author's Corner, 2nd Floor
Apr 15, 2025   4:00 - 5:30 pm  
Department of Latina/Latino Studies
Originating Calendar
Latina/Latino Studies Event Calendar

Please join the Department of Latina/Latino Studies in celebrating the book launch of LLS Associate Professor, Aja Y. Martinez's new book The Origins of Critical Race Theory: The People and Ideas That Created a Movement (New York University Press), co-authored with Robert O. Smith (Assistant Professor, University of North Texas). Join us at the Illini Union Bookstore Author's Corner on the 2nd floor from 4:00-5:30pm!

The Origins of Critical Race Theory weaves together the many sources of critical race theory, recounting the origin story for one of the most insightful and controversial academic movements in U.S. history. In addition to introducing readers to the tenets and key insights of critical race theory, Martinez and Smith explore the lives and intellectual influences of the movement’s founders, shedding light on how the many components of critical race theory eventually formed into a movement. 

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