COVID-19 Legal Learning Series CLE
Hosted by the University of Illinois College of Law and The Jerome Mirza Foundation
"Advising the Financially Distressed Business in the Era of COVID-19"
Robert M. Lawless is the Max L. Rowe Professor of Law and co-director of the Program on Law, Behavior & Social Science at the University of Illinois College of Law
Jill Nicholson is a partner and trial lawyer with Foley & Lardner LLP and is the immediate past chair of the firm's national Bankruptcy & Business Reorganizations Practice
Brian Shaw is Co-Chair of the Financial Restructuring & Bankruptcy Department at Fox Rothschild, LLP
James H.M. Sprayregen is a Restructuring partner in the Chicago and New York offices of Kirkland & Ellis
June 12, 2020
1-2 p.m. (CST)
This course, featuring leading restructuring attorneys, will discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how they work with financially distressed businesses and individuals. Topics will include (1) a data presentation about the extent of financial distress in the economy and how that distress is showing up in the bankruptcy system, (2) international adaptations to the financial crises and important legal changes for companies doing business in other countries, (3) how to most effectively use the new subchapter V of chapter 11 to help financially distressed smaller businesses, and (4) procedural adaptations in bankruptcy courts to address distancing restrictions necessitated by the pandemic.
Course Materials:
Foley & Lardner - Coronavirus Business Survival Guide: Small Business Relief
Fox Rothschild - CARES Act Enhances Viability of Chapter 11 Reorganizations for Small Businesses
This course is approved for 1.00 Illinois MCLE general credit hour.
Free but registration requested.
Register HERE.
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