
College of Law - Events Calendar

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Convocation for the Class of 2024

Event Type
University of Illinois College of Law
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts & College of Law Building
May 11, 2024   4:30 - 7:30 pm  
Susan Landrum
Originating Calendar
College of Law - All Other Events Calendar

College of Law Convocation Ceremony
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Great Hall, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Remote attendees may view a livestream of the ceremony:

Convocation Etiquette: 

  • All graduates are expected to participate in both the processional and the recessional.
  • Graduates and guests should plan to attend the entire ceremony to celebrate all of the graduates’ accomplishments.
  • All participants should remain seated until the conclusion of the ceremony, which is marked by the platform party recessional.
  • All guests are asked to remain in their seats until graduates and faculty have exited the recessional.
  • All graduates should plan to meet their guests on the KCPA Main Floor following the ceremony.
  • Only degree candidates and faculty are allowed on the stage.
  • Graduates will not be allowed to take another person, such as a child, or animals across the stage (unless it is a certified service animal) without prior approval from the College of Law Office of Academic Administration & Student Records (217) 333-1097.
  • Cell phones and other electronic equipment should be silenced.
  • Seating is on a ticketed first-come, first-served basis and is not reserved in any section (except for graduating students and faculty). Families should consider arriving together to avoid any disruption or conflict regarding seating prior to or during the event.
  • While graduation is a festive occasion, the ceremony itself is marked by dignity and a degree of formality. Courtesy and mutual respect for all those in attendance are critical for the enjoyment of this momentous occasion.

For your safety, the following items are NOT PERMITTED inside the event venue:

  • Banners/signs
  • Banners and / or signs
  • Laser pointers
  • Coolers
  • Containers
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • No Weapons of any kind
  • Noisemakers
  • Balloons

Convocation Reception
6:15–7:30 pm
College of Law Building 
An open house event, hosted at the College of Law, and free to College of Law graduates and their guests.

Parking at Krannert
Parking is available in the Krannert Center garage, in metered spaces on nearby streets, and in permit lots (with the exception of 24-hour rental spaces) during commencement weekend. Please be sure to allow enough time to find parking since there are multiple convocation ceremonies on Saturday.

The Champaign County Convention and Visitors Bureau website provides a listing of local hotel/motel information. For additional visitor information, you may contact them at (800) 369-6151 or locally at (217) 351-4133. Individuals needing accommodations for graduation weekend are encouraged to make reservations as soon as possible. 

University-wide Commencement
Saturday, May 11 at Memorial Stadium (time TBD). Graduates are encouraged to participate in the commencement ceremony with graduate and undergraduate students from various colleges throughout the university. Please visit the university-wide Commencement website for additional information regarding the university-wide ceremony, including registration information.

Ticket Information
All ticket information will be communicated to law students. Tickets will be limited and will be distributed to students prior to the ceremony. If additional tickets are available, this information will be communicated to students before the ceremony.

Convocation Announcements
For more information on announcements please visit the university-wide Commencement website. 

Academic Attire
All graduates and degree candidates participating in Commencement or Convocation ceremonies are required to wear appropriate academic attire. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduates wear custom regalia designed specifically for the campus. Academic Attire is available for rent through Herff Jones

Students may place orders for academic regalia online. The last date to order academic regalia online is April 9. Important details regarding the ordering process, fees, and distribution are available online. Please note, students should indicate the following degree levels when ordering caps and gowns:

  • JD and JSD Students: Doctorate
  • LLM and MSL Students: Masters

The 2024 College of Law Convocation will be held in the Great Hall at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA). If you or your guests will require accommodations, you must fill out this form. Krannert Center staff will contact you directly upon receiving your request. 

For more information
Rachel Albers, Office Manager – Assistant to the Dean of Students
(217) 244-4332

Heather Ball – Director of Events and Alumni Programming 
(217) 244-0689 

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