Illinois ECE Distinguished Colloquium Series

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Information Security for the 6G Connected Future

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Venu Veeravalli, Ph.D., ECE at UIUC
wifi event
Apr 8, 2021   4:00 - 5:00 pm  
Aylin Yener, Ph.D., Roy and Lois Chope Chair in Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Integrated Systems Engineering, and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Venu Veeravalli, Ph.D., ECE at UIUC


Now that that 5G networks are beginning to be deployed, researchers are already on a mission to define what 6G needs to be. New and novel devices, metrics and requirements, designs and applications of wireless communications, as well as better integration of communications, computing, and learning/AI are on the horizon, setting the stage for the next wireless revolution, including physical layer and network design. This talk will provide an overview of the directions for information security and privacy in this connected world vision. The emphasis will be on providing security by utilizing properties of the wireless medium and network design. We will be covering foundational results to date, rooted in information-theoretic guarantees, and argue their renewed role in the 6G vision, that foresees network storage and computation as assets and envisions a wide range of frequencies over which dynamic networks can be deployed.


Aylin Yener is the Roy and Lois Chope Chair Professor at The Ohio State University and a Professor in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Integrated Systems Engineering. Previously, Dr. Yener was a Distinguished Professor and a Dean’s Fellow at Penn State and held visiting professor appointments at Stanford, and Telecom Paris Tech. Her core expertise areas are in wireless communications, information theory and learning, with interests ranging from physical layer optimization, resource allocation and algorithmic design for wireless, to information security, energy conscious communications, content delivery and edge computing. She received the 2020 IEEE Communications Society Communication Theory Technical Achievement Award, 2019 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award, 2018 IEEE Communications Society Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Outstanding Achievement Award, 2014 IEEE Communication Society Marconi Paper Award, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications Best Paper Award, and several other research and technical awards. She is a fellow of the IEEE.

An active volunteer of the IEEE, Dr. Yener served as the President of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 2020. She has served on the board of governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society since 2012, as the society treasurer, elected member (twice), second vice president, vice president, president, and presently as the past president. In 2008, she co-founded the North American School of Information Theory which grew to be the largest outreach activity of the society that runs annually in university campuses in North America. She currently is on the senior editorial board of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory.

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