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"The Palestinian National Movement Between Constitutionalism and Revolt, 1929-1939"

Event Type
Co-sponsors: Center for Advanced Study; Center for African Studies; Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies; Center for Global Studies; Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies; Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; Center for Study of Global Gender Equity; European Union Center; Illinois Global Institute; LAS Global Studies; Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies; Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security; Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center.ontrol & Domestic and International Security; Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center.
Latzer Hall YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St. Champaign
May 2, 2025   9:00 am - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Speakers:  Prof.Michelle Campos and Prof.Charles Anderson

Michelle Campos is an associate professor of History and Jewish Studies at Pennsylvania State University. The author of Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth Century Palestine, Campos is currently completing a book on neighborhood life and intercommunal relations in 19th and early 20th century Jerusalem. She co-edited the translated memoirs of a Sephardi Jewish public figure in Palestine (Between Jaffa and Tel Aviv, 1870–1930: A Memoir by Yosef Eliyahu Chelouche, forthcoming with Brandeis University Press) and is co-editing a collaborative volume on “Reimagining Jewish Life in the Modern Middle East.”

This event is co-sponsored by the Dept. of History and The Program in Jewish Culture & Society.

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