C.O.R.E. Master Calendar

C.O.R.E. Master Calendar

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Let's Talk About...Resistance

Event Type
Spurlock Museum
Spurlock Museum (600 S. Gregory St. Urbana, IL 61801)
Apr 2, 2025   7:00 - 8:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Explore stories of cultural self‐determination in societies around the world. Dr. Christina Gonzalez, co‐curator of  Caribbean Indigenous Resistance / Resistencia Indígena del Caribe ¡Taino Vive!, will lead tours of the exhibit, and staff will share some of the museum's collections related to resistance and cultural identity in the face of oppression. Refreshments will be served.

  • Wednesday, April 2, 2025
  • Time: 7:00 pm–8:30 pm (CDT)
  • Location: Spurlock Museum (600 S. Gregory St. Urbana, IL 61801)
  • Audience: University students/adults

This exhibition tells the story of the Caribbean from the perspective of Indigenous survival and resistance. It is dedicated to affirming Taíno life and valuing Indigenous knowledge for the people of the Caribbean and beyond.

"Caribbean Indigenous Resistance / Resistencia indígena del Caribe ¡Taíno Vive!" is organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian and the National Museum of the American Latino.

This exhibition received federal support from the Latino Initiatives Pool, administered by the National Museum of the American Latino.

Esta exposición narra la historia del Caribe desde la perspectiva de la supervivencia y la resistencia indígenas. Está dedicada a reafirmar la vida de los taínos y valorizar los conocimientos indígenas en los pueblos del Caribe y más allá.

"Caribbean Indigenous Resistance / Resistencia indígena del Caribe ¡Taíno Vive!" Es organizada por el Servicio de Exposiciones Itinerantes de la Institución Smithsonian en colaboración con el Museo Nacional del Indígena Americano y el Museo Nacional del Latino Estadounidense. 

Esta exposición recibió ayuda federal del Fondo de Iniciativas Latinas, administrado por el Museo Nacional del Latino Estadounidense.

More info here

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