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BTAA WIT Coffee Catch-Up: Ethical AI: Wishful Thinking or Reality?

Event Type
Women in Technology
Jan 15, 2025   10:30 - 11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
WIT Event Calendar

January 15, 2025 | 10:30 am - 11:00 am CST

Ethical AI: Wishful Thinking or Reality?
Facilitated by: Victoria Abramenka-Lachheb, University of Michigan

Please join us for a coffee catch-up on the critical topic of AI, specifically GenAI. As this technology rapidly advances, becoming integrated into both our daily and professional lives, it brings significant ethical challenges and concerns. Are these ethical issues an inevitable trade-off for the unprecedented efficiency that AI offers, or can we aim for something better? In our thought-provoking discussion, we'll explore what it takes to make AI more inclusive, ethically-driven, and trustworthy. We’ll also look ahead to the future of AI technology and consider how ethical considerations can enhance its usability and impact. Let’s come together to discuss, question, and envision a future where AI not only revolutionizes our lives but does so in a fair and ethical manner.

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