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Thinking about a Startup? Customer Discovery and Why it Matters

Event Type
Professional Development
University of Illinois Research Park
EnterpriseWorks 130 - 60 Hazelwood Dr., Champaign
Oct 1, 2019   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Cathy McArthur
Originating Calendar
Research Park Events

Learn what it means to understand Product-Market Fit and why it is important for your venture.  We will briefly explore the methods used in the NSF I-Corps program to define customer segment and craft effective value propositions.  Several entrepreneurs at various stages of development will then share their thoughts.  Hear their tips to make the most of the process and avoid pitfalls, and see how it has shaped their product development efforts.

Panelists include:
Michael Decklever, Medical Best Practices GPS
Christina Tucker: Tell Tail
Byron Wittenberg: Insigna

Moderated by:
Harlee Sorkin: National Faculty, NSF I-Corps

If you have any questions and/or require accommodations for this event, please email Cathy McArthur (

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