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RSO Leadership Dinner in the Research Park

Event Type
Professional Development
Research Park
EnterpriseWorks Atrium, 60 Hazelwood Drive, Champaign
Oct 3, 2023   5:00 - 6:30 pm  
Emily Neal
Originating Calendar
Research Park Events

Join us on Tuesday, October 3 from 5:00-6:30 PM for the RSO Leadership Dinner in the Research Park. All student RSO leaders are invited to learn how their organization can get involved in the Research Park.

  • Student leaders will share their personal experiences interning within the Research Park, and give tips on how to get hired.
  • Company representatives will be in attendance to share how they have worked with student groups in the past, talk about their internship opportunities, and how your RSO can partner with them.
  • Research Park staff will talk about how they can facilitate matching RSOs to relevant employers, and hosting company tours and networking sessions. The Research Park also has FREE meeting space.
  • Dinner for everyone in attendance!

Dinner will be provided and to ensure that we can provide a positive event experience with enough food and seating accommodations, we now request that you register for all Research Park events at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you for your cooperation. 

This event is free, but registration is required at this link:

 If you have any questions, dietary restrictions, or need accommodations, please contact Emily Neal at

link for robots only