John Locke Society Conference Program - June 15
8:30–9:00 a.m. Coffee, breakfast, etc.
9:00–10:10 a.m. Jessica Gordon-Roth and Kylie Shahar, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. “Recontextualizing Locke on Gender and Education”
Comments: Lisa Downing, Ohio State University
10:15–11:25 a.m. Mary Jo Macdonald, University of Toronto. “John Locke and Sarah Chapone on the Role of Inheritance in Political Education”
Comments: Evan Thomas, Otterbein University
11:25–11:45 a.m. Break
11:45 a.m.–1:05 p.m. Keynote: Holly Brewer, Burke Chair of American History, University of Maryland. “Contextualizing Justice: John Locke and Debates over Slavery, Absolutism, and Colonialism in Britain’s Empire”
Comments: Mary Nyquist, University of Toronto