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Background image of Chicago skyline, text that reads "Startup City Scholars: Virtual Quick Pitch Event"

Startup City Scholars - Virtual Quick Pitch Event

Event Type
Grainger Engineering Startup City Scholars Program
Nov 3, 2021   5:00 - 6:00 pm  
Charles Neiss
Originating Calendar
TEC Calendar

Startup City Scholars Virtual Quick Pitch Event

  • Wednesday, November 3, 5:00-6:00pm

Interested in becoming a Startup City Scholar and spending the Spring 2022 semester in Chicago? Attend this event to find a team to join, or pitch to find teammates!

Startup City Scholars is an experiential learning program for students who want to dive deep into entrepreneurship and launch viable enterprises. Students will get to participate in the prestigious College New Venture Challenge (CNVC), hosted by the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the University of Chicago. CNVC is one of the top undergraduate accelerator programs in the nation.

All eligible students accepted into the program will receive a $5,000 scholarship. Students will receive credit for CNVC through the UIUC TE 398 course, taught in person at UChicago, and students can take other UIUC courses during their semester in Chicago.

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