UIUC faculty, researchers, and graduate students are invited to join us for a showcase of cutting-edge research and services offered by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and discover the exciting new campus investment in research computing. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with NCSA's distinguished researchers and affiliates, share your research interests and needs, and explore potential collaborations. Complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Agenda (All times shown in CST)
1:00-2:30 pm – Opening Remarks by Bill Gropp & Overview of NCSA Research & Services, NCSA Auditorium
2:35-2:40 pm - Break
2:40-4:00 pm - Lightning Talks from NCSA Fellows and Affiliates, NCSA 1040 & 1030
NCSA 1040
IMMERSE: Center for Immersive Computing
Project: Novel Interface Design with Mixed Reality (MR) to Support Collaborative Visual Diagnosis of Concussion by Clinicians and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Project: DeepDISC: Detection, Instance Segmentation, and Classification for Astronomical Surveys with Deep Learning
Center for AstroPhysical Surveys (CAPS)
Project: High Performance Computing for Magnetized Neutron Stars
NCSA 1030
Project: Forecasting Metritis Cases in Dairy Cattle Using Deep Learning of Genomic and Management Information
Project: TheVault: Accelerating Scientific Discovery with Reliable and Reproducible Machine Learning
Project: Using Machine Learning to Predict Eye Movements in Skilled and Unskilled Readers
Project: Development and Evaluation of the LittleBeats Visualization Tool to Capture Infant Stress Regulation in the Home Environment
Project: Geospatial Analysis of Food Insecurity Among Refugee Households in Lebanon Using Machine Learning Techniques
4:00-5:00 pm - Networking Happy Hour, NCSA Lobby
Attendees can meet NCSA staff and learn more about the research expertise and services offered by specific groups:
Center for AI Innovation, Center for AstroPhysical Surveys, Health Innovation Program Office, Proposal Development Office, Research and Education Division, Research Facilitation Services, Illinois Computes, Innovative Systems Lab, Integrated Cyberinfrastracture, Visualization Program Office, Advanced Visualization Lab and 3D Viz Demos in NCSA 1005.
Hors d'oeuvres and drinks would be served. Registration Closed.