Campus Honors Program

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SAS "Introduction to Nationally Competitive Scholarships: For Students Graduating AFTER August 2026"

Event Type
Campus Honors Program
Honors House Classroom (Room 212)
Apr 1, 2025   5:00 - 5:50 pm  
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Originating Calendar
CHP Events

Presented by David Schug, Director        
National and International Scholarships (NIS)
Lara Kusnetzky, Assistant Director, NIS        
Chancellor’s Scholar/s (TBA)

The National and International Scholarships Program serves high achievers from all colleges and majors by encouraging and assisting students in applying for prestigious scholarships.  Many Chancellor’s Scholars have utilized this campus resource.  Students may apply for some scholarships as early as their sophomore year.  While many other awards are for study, work, or research after graduation, the time to start planning for these applications is now.  The session will outline a variety of awards for future academics, environmentalists, public servants, activists, teachers, and leaders from any conceivable field; and provide tips on how to prepare for these opportunities while making the most of a student’s time at the University of Illinois.

*Note:  Students who attended a Scholarships presentation in a previous semester may attend this SAS, but will not receive additional SAS credit; however, if a student is a presenter at this SAS and was not a presenter previously, he or she will receive SAS credit.*

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