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February NCSA Colloquium - Wolfgang Pfaff, Scaling Quantum Computers: Challenges and Prospects.

Event Type
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NCSA Building, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana IL 61801 Room 1040
Feb 14, 2025   3:00 - 4:00 pm  
Aliya Yabekova
Originating Calendar
NCSA Colloquiums

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is hosting its monthly colloquium series and invites everyone to participate in the February session. This month's event will be led by Wolfgang Pfaff, Assistant Professor in Quantum Information Science. He will present on "Scaling Quantum Computers: Challenges and Prospects." Join us for an engaging discussion and insights into the field.

Wolfgang Pfaff received his PhD in Applied Physics from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) in 2013, under the supervision of Ronald Hanson. His graduate work focused mainly on the quantum control, measurement, and entanglement of individual spins of Nitrogen Vacancy centers, resulting in the first-ever demonstration of deterministic quantum teleportation between distant qubits. Following his graduation, Pfaff joined the lab of Rob Schoelkopf at Yale, where he worked on highly coherent superconducting cavities as quantum memories, and pioneered protocols for distributing quantum information between superconducting devices. Pfaff joined Microsoft Quantum in 2017, using his expertise in superconducting quantum devices to investigate how future, topologically protected qubits can be measured and controlled. He joined the Physics department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in Fall 2020 to set up his own lab focusing on superconducting and hybrid quantum circuits, and in particular on how to scale them.

Wolfgang’s presentation will address the topic of scaling quantum computers, the challenges ahead and our prospects.

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