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Apple PhD Fellowships in AI/ML - Application Deadline

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
Sep 4, 2023   All Day
Michelle Wellens
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Events Calendar


Apple PhD Fellowships in AI/ML

Apple offers fellowships supporting PhD students in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Eligible fields include computer science, engineering, statistics, informatics, and related disciplines. The fellowship offers a $40K stipend, $5K for travel, mentorship with an Apple researcher, and it provides two years of support. 

Applicants must have either two or three years remaining in their doctoral program as of August 2024. Visit the Apple Fellowship listing in Fellowship Finder for details. Departments may submit up to two nominations each for the campus competition.

To apply for consideration through the Department of Computer Science, you must submit your application to Michelle Wellens (mwellens@illinois.edu) by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 4, 2023, as follows:
One combined PDF named this way: LastName, FirstName - CS - Apple2024 (example: Smith, John - CS - Apple2024) containing the following documents, arranged in this order:

  1. Cover Sheet with Full Name, UIN, Email, Phone, Date you began your graduate program at UIUC, Anticipated graduate date, the Research Area chosen from Apple's provided list, and your Research proposal title. Also, include your Advisor's name and email.
  2. Student CV (including publication list).
  3. Research abstract (200 words maximum).  Must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, with one-inch margins.
  4. Research statement covering past work and proposed direction for the next two years (maximum five pages, including citations). The statement must clearly explain the hypothesis and expected contributions to the chosen research area.  Must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, with one-inch margins.
  5. Two letters of recommendation (one of which must come from the current advisor). Each letter must be no more than one page. Letters must be emailed by letter writers directly to: mwellens@illinois.edu
  6. Optional: Link to most recent published work.

Nominees will be determined and submitted to the Graduate College on September 6, 2023. Please contact awardsinfo@cs.illinois.edu with any questions.


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