Daniel Borzutzky is a poet and translator. His latest books are Lake Michigan, a finalist for the 2018 International Griffin Poetry Prize, and The Performance of Becoming Human, winner of the 2016 National Book Award for Poetry. His other books include In the Murmurs of the Rotten Carcass Economy, Memories of My Overdevelopment, and The Book of Interfering Bodies. His translation of Galo Ghigliotto’s Valdivia won the 2017 National Translation Award. Other translations include Raúl Zurita’s The Country of Planks and Song for His Disappeared Love, and Jaime Luis Huenún’s Port Trakl. He teaches in the English and Latin American and Latino Studies Departments at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Christopher Grimes is the author of Public Works, The Pornographers, and Pornographies. He teaches in the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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