The Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies, the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies at UC Santa Barbara, and the National Pedagogical University in Colombia Invite Abstract Submissions to the International Online Conference
Engineering Destruction: Militarization and the War Economy
For More Information on this Conference, Please Click Here.
The organizing committee invites scholars and activists wishing to participate to reflect upon the conference’s themes, including carceral tactics and surveillance, the political economy of war, resistance strategies against militarization and carcerality, and the militarization of urban space. The following themes are suggested, but submissions can address other topics related to the conference’s broad areas of interest.
· The policing of urban spaces
· Carceral tactics and surveillance
· The political economy of war
· Managing carceral settings and subjects
· Resistance strategies by carceralized populations
· The globalization of security
· Solidarity movements and confrontation practices
· The military-industrial complex
· The militarization of urban space
Paper Submission:
Abstracts of papers (around 250 words) along with a short bio should be sent to no later than March 28, 2025. We ask that those who are selected to participate send their full papers (4000 – 6000) by May 30, 2025.
We invite submissions in English, Arabic and Spanish. The conference will be organized in hybrid format at Birzeit University and streamed online. Simultaneous translation will be organized as needed.
The organizers intend to publish the proceedings after the conference. Further information on publication details and mechanisms will be sent to conference participants in due course.