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Dr. Ayanna Howard, Bringing Your Whole Self to the Job: Making the World Better through Engineering and Science

Event Type
University of Illinois Graduate College
wifi event
Jan 21, 2021   10:15 - 11:15 am  
Jancie Harris
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Speakers Calendar

Bringing Your Whole Self to the Job: Making the World Better through Engineering and Science

At 27, Dr. Ayanna Howard was hired by NASA to lead a team designing a robot for future Mars exploration missions that could “think like a human and adapt to change.” Her accomplishments since then include being named as one of 2015’s most powerful women engineers in the world and as one of Forbes’ 2018 U.S. Top 50 Women in Tech. From creating robots to studying the impact of global warming on the Antarctic ice shelves to founding a company that develops STEM education and therapy products for children and those with varying needs, Professor Howard focuses on our role in being responsible global citizens. In this talk, Professor Howard will delve into the implications of recent advances in robotics and AI and explain the critical importance of ensuring diversity and inclusion at all stages to ensure robots are designed to be accessible to all. Throughout the talk, Professor Howard will weave in her own journey as she navigated her roles at NASA, Georgia Tech, and in technology startups.

link for robots only