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Professional Development Seminar: Interviewing Skills - How to Prepare

Event Type
Professional Development
The Department of Computer Science
wifi event
Nov 11, 2020   5:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Speakers Calendar


You've landed an interview - congrats! But now you're wondering what you can do to prepare. There are many types of interviews,  they come at different stages of the recruitment process, are of varying lengths - quick chats during career fairs, short on campus, and longer "on site" visits -  and have different formats.  And nowadays they are all being adjusted for the virtual mode we're all operating in due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This session will feature panelists who can share their perspectives as alums, recruiters, and career services advisors and provide insight and advice on what you can expect, how you can prepare, and do's and don'ts of interviewing.

Speaker Biographies

Ken Taylor

Ken Taylor currently serves as the Cloud Architect at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. For the past ten years he has focused on large-scale data analytics and data engineering using cloud technologies in a variety of industries including agriculture, Internet advertising and finance. He has been mentoring and lecturing on entrepreneurship topics for many years in the community. He got his start in entrepreneurship by co-founding a computer consulting company where he helped secure venture capital funding for a fingerprint biometric device.

Matthew Dierker

Matthew graduated with a Bachelor's degree from CS@Illinois in 2015. While a student, he was an active ACM member and helped start HackIllinois and Sail. Since graduating, Matthew has worked at Google for five years on features including Smart Compose autocomplete suggestions in Gmail.

Lauren Stites

Lauren Stites, Associate Director with Engineering Career Services at Illinois.  An energetic communicator with a passion and proven ability to motivate and empower others to take action towards their career goals while providing resources to encourage informed decision-making. She brings over a decade of experience with personal branding, career coaching and preparation of early-career talent for the job market.

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