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Zaida Muxi: Beyond the Threshold. Women, Houses and Cities

Event Type
The Latin American & Caribbean Cities Collective, CLACS, and School of Architecture
Plym Audiorium, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall
Apr 29, 2024   6:00 pm  
Dr. Zaida Muxi, Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

A Latin American and Caribbean Cities Collective Speaker Series.

Zaida Muxi, renowned architecture and planning scholar whose work focuses on gender and space, will present her latest research that reframes the history of architecture and urban planning through the contributions of the women who have been silenced in our general histories. With the built environment as its lens, the presentation explores topics from design to politics, examining both the house and the city, the private and the public. As in other areas of knowledge, the arts, science, and politics, women have been and are still not represented on equal terms, or even fairly, based on equal merits. For this reason it is crucial to revisit and deconstruct the dominant historiography of architecture and cities, rewriting it with women as its protagonists.

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