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ONLINE Boren (Undergraduate) Information Session

Event Type
National and International Scholarships Program
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Oct 24, 2025   9:00 - 10:00 am  
Register in advance for this meeting
David Schug
Originating Calendar
Scholarship Events and Deadlines

The University of Illinois will be hosting informational sessions on National Security Education Program Boren undergraduate study abroad scholarships.  Participants will receive information about the program and converse with an Illinois alumni recipient.  The campus application deadline is in January 2026 for any semester or year of study between June 2026 and March 2027. Students are encouraged to begin application drafts prior to leaving for winter break.  The Boren provides study abroad scholarships of up to $25,000 for a full academic year or $12,500 for a semester. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students also have the option of applying for summer-only programs of eight weeks or more. All scholarships may be used for U.S. citizens to study in Asia, Africa, Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America, or the Middle East on almost any study abroad program. These are merit-based scholarships (approximately 1 in 5 eligible applicants receive awards). In order to receive the scholarship, award winners must enter into a service agreement requiring that they attempt to work in a paid position for the federal government in an area related to national security—generally the Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security, or the Intelligence Community within three years of graduation (deferrals possible/encouraged for graduate study). Working for USAID or tenure in the Peace Corps counts in the service requirement. Winners also receive priority-hiring status. 

On October 24, 2025 our office will offer an ONLINE informational overview session from 9:00-10:00 a.m. CST for those unable to attend the in-person sessions.

For more information, contact the scholarships office at topscholars@illinois.edu or visit our website at Boren Scholarship – National & International Scholarships Program 

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