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Humanities Career Discovery Group

Event Type
Professional Development
Graduate College Career Development
Graduate College
Nov 17, 2022   3:30 - 5:00 pm  
Registration Required
Derek Attig
Originating Calendar
Graduate College Events for Graduate Students & Postdocs

Join a collaborative group that will help you figure out what matters to you and offer support as you explore new paths that align with your values, skills, and interests. The group will involve hands-on exercises and rich conversation designed to guide you in claiming agency about your next steps. Graduate students and postdocs in any field whose work involves humanistic inquiry, regardless of department, are welcome to participate.

Participants commit to meeting once a week for 3 weeks, with ~1 hour of additional work in between sessions. The Fall 2022 Humanities Career Discovery Group will meet in-person on Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm, from November 3-17 at the Graduate College (507 E. Green St.).

Registration is required. Register at https://go.grad.illinois.edu/HumanitiesCareerGroup.

See the full listing of Graduate College workshops at https://go.grad.illinois.edu/workshops

*If you require any disability-related accommodations to participate in this workshop more fully, please email gradsuccess@illinois.edu

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