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writing abstracts for the undergrad research symposium. feb 20th 1-2pm on Zoom

Writing Abstracts for the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Event Type
Writers Workshop and Office of Undergraduate Research
Feb 20, 2025   1:00 - 2:00 pm  
Kim Savage
Originating Calendar
Writers Workshop General Events

Not sure where to start with your abstract or how to best represent your research? The Writers Workshop will discuss components of an effective abstract, review examples across fields, and ask you to practice writing your own based on an in-session prompt. We encourage students applying to the Undergraduate Research Symposium to register for this event. The advice will also be applicable to abstracts for other conferences, class assignments, journal submissions, and more. This event is co-sponsored by the Writers Workshop and Office of Undergraduate Research.

This event will be held  through Zoom and you will need to be logged into your Illinois Zoom account to access the meeting. It is open to current University of Illinois affiliates (students, faculty, and staff). Please register using your Illinois email address by 11:59pm on February 19, and we will send an email with the Zoom information on the morning of the event. If you register on the day of the event, please email to request the meeting details.

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