This calendar includes events sponsored by the Scholarly Commons as well as those by
our campus partners.
Join us for the third CSBS Future of Work Symposium sponsored in collaboration with the School of Labor and Employment Relations. The Symposium features keynote remarks from Saiph Savage, PhD, Assistant Professor and Director of the Civic A.I. Lab at Northeastern University and Paul Leonardi, PhD, Duca Family Professor of Technology Management at the University of California Santa Barbara. This Symposium builds on symposia in October 2022, and April 2023, and it is animated by the question, how do we ground conversations about the future of work in a deeper understanding of the technologies of work? The Symposium will include facilitated among dialogue participants sparked by the keynote remarks to foster collaboration focused on the broad interest in the Future of Work on campus.
Friday, November 15th1:00 – 5:00 PMIllini Union, Room 210
University Library
University of Illinois
1408 West Gregory Drive | Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-2290