The goal of the retreat is to help graduate students lay the foundation for a more positive and productive relationship to writing. During the week-long retreat, you’ll benefit by establishing a regular and sustainable writing habit, becoming more aware of your own writing processes, setting and reflecting on writing goals, and refining your revision strategies.
Each day, you will have time to work independently on your writing as well as to participate in optional afternoon workshops about common concerns that arise during long-term writing projects, such as maintaining momentum, asking for and using feedback, and finding work-life balance. Please register for these presentations separately through our event calendar.
This event will be in-person at the Siebel Center for Design in Classroom 1000 on Mon-Thu (9-4:30) and in the Starlight Room/Upper Lobby on Friday (9-12:30). An online option will be available for morning writing; however, we will not offer a hybrid option for afternoon presentations. We will make presentation materials available to all retreat registrants. One goal of this retreat is to experience a writing community, and, toward that end, we encourage participants to attend in-person if possible.
This event is open to current University of Illinois graduate students. Please register with your University of Illinois email account in advance. You only need to register once to attend throughout the event.