National Taiwan University – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chinese Literature Exchange Workshop 2023
Monday, June 12 – Tuesday, June 13, 2023 (Virtual)
Monday, June 12, 2023 (US Central Time)
7:00 - 7:10 am CT | OPENING REMARKS
- Prof. Misumi Sadler, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
- Prof. Chia-Ling Mei, National Taiwan University (NTU)
7:10 - 7:50 am CT | KEYNOTE
- “Taiwanʼs Modern Chinese Literary Studies Since the 1980s” (近四十年來臺灣的近現代文學研究:學科形構與研究動向)
Prof. Chia-Ling Mei, NTU
- "The Adventure of Prometheus and Mine: Some Reflections on the Research Topics" (普罗米修斯和我的历险:有关学术课题的一些思考)
Prof. Jingling Chen, UIUC
7:55 - 9:05 am CT | PANEL 1
- “Chinese Manufacturing and Leaving from Home: The Transnational Journeys of Late Qing Science Fiction” (中國製造與離家記:晚清科學小說的域外行旅)
Presenter: 吳佳鴻; Discussant: Yujie Pu 浦玉潔
- “Humorous Narrative and Anti-Manchu Revolution: On the Supplement ‘Feifei’ of Singaporean Newspaper ‘Chong Shing Yit Pao’ and the Political Thought in Late Qing” (詼諧敘事與排滿革命:論新加坡《中興日報》副刊「非非」與晚清政治思潮)
Presenter: 汪卉婕; Discussant: Yangyang Liu 刘泱泱
- “Constructing the ‘Literary Field’ of Nanyang Supplements in the Early 20th Century” (二十世紀初南洋報刊的「文學場」建構)
Presenter: 潘舜怡; Discussant: Zhengyuan Wang 王正源
9:10-10:20 am CT | PANEL 2
- “Widowhood, Property Inheritance, and Madness in Eileen Chang’s ‘The Golden Cangue’” (《金鎖記》中的「瘋狂」形象研究:以寡婦與財產繼承為中心)
Presenter: Yujie Pu 浦玉潔; Discussant: 林文心
- “Poetics of Resentment: Affect, Object and Memory in Eileen Chang’s Late Style” (怨的詩學: 張愛玲晚期風格中的情動、物質與記憶)
Presenter: Eliot Chen陈霁帆; Discussant: 汪卉婕
- “Distancing a homeland: Imaginary Boundary in Shen Congwen’s Alice in China (1928)” (阿麗思遊中國:沈從文對於《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的改寫)
Presenter: Yangyang Liu 刘泱泱; Discussant: 黃衍智
* See Day 2 schedule for additional workshop presentations taking place on June 13, 2023.