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BIOE 500 Seminar Series - Grad Student: Jongwon Lim

Event Type
Bioengineering Department
Everitt Room 2310
Nov 15, 2023   12:00 pm  

Advanced blood drying techniques enabling ultra-sensitive nucleic acid detection for diagnosing blood-borne pathogens

Abstract: Current methods for diagnosing pathogens in blood involve extraction and purification of pathogenic DNA from blood, resulting in low and inconsistent DNA recovery rates. To tackle this problem, we've created an innovative method of blood drying. This technique not only deactivates inhibitors but also detects DNA without necessitating a purification phase. Furthermore, the dried blood matrix possesses extensively porous formations with remarkably large surface areas, enabling swift diffusion of the detection enzyme. Several intriguing attributes of the dried blood matrix were examined, including its physical arrangement, diffusion characteristics, and distribution of pore sizes. These characterizations enhance the advancement of assays. With the structure, we exhibit that the drying technique notably enhances the detection sensitivity for bacteria like E. Coli, MRSA, and MSSA by employing diverse amplification reactions.  

Bio: Mr. Jongwon Lim earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Yonsei University. His main research pursuits involve advancing molecular diagnostic platforms, with a specific emphasis on integrating translational research within the realm of in vitro diagnostics. His overarching research objective is to synergize the distinct and varied domains of study encompassing biology, chemistry, mechanics, materials, and computational research. This synthesis aims to develop a translational diagnostic platform capable of swiftly and accurately identifying disease markers, encompassing conditions like cancer and infectious diseases. Presently, he is a doctoral candidate within the Bioengineering department at UIUC, conducting research under the supervision of Professor Rashid Bashir. 

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